
Artiklar om etisk klinisk reflektion

Bartholdson C, Pergert P, Helgesson G. Procedures for clinical ethics case reflections: an example from childhood cancer care. Clinical Ethics. 2014; 9:87-95

Heidenreich, K., Bremer, A., Materstvedt, LJ., Tidefelt, U., Svantesson, M. Relational autonomy in the care of the vulnerable: health care professionals’ reasoning in Moral Case Deliberation (MCD). Medicine, Health care and Philosophy, 2018: 21 467–477

Kälvemark Sporrong, Sofia. 2007. Ethical competence and moral distress in the health care sector: A prospective evaluation of ethics rounds. dissertation. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet

Läkartidningen. Aktörsmodellen – handfast verktyg vid etiska dilemman, 2009: 52

Molewijk AC, Abma T, Stolper M, Widdershoven G. Teaching ethics in the clinic: The theory and practice of moral case deliberation. J Med Ethics. 2008;34:120–124

Molewijk B, van Zadelhoff E, Lendemeijer B, Widdershoven GAM. Implementing moral case deliberation in Dutch health care; Improving moral competency of professionals and the quality of care. Bioethica Forum. 2008;1(1):57–64

Molewijk, B., M. Verkerk, H. Milius, and G. Widdershoven. 2008b. Implementing moral case deliberation in a psychiatric hospital: Process and outcome. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 11(1): 43–56

Plantinga M, Molewijk B, de Bree M, Moraal M, Verkerk M, Widdershoven G. Training healthcare professionals as moral case deliberation facilitators: evaluation of a Dutch training programme. J Med Ethics. 2012;38:630–635

Rasoal, Kihlgren, D, James A, Svantesson, M. What healthcare teams find ethically difficult: Captured in 70 moral case deliberations. Nursing Ethics, 2016: 23(8), 825-837

Rasoal, D., M. Svantesson, and A. Kihlgren. 2017. ‘It’s like sailing’—Experiences of the role as facilitator during moral case deliberation. Clinical Ethics 12 (3): 135–142.

Stolper M, Molewijk B, Widdershoven G. Learning by doing. Training health care professionals to become facilitator of Moral Case Deliberation. HEC Forum. 2015;27:47–59

Stolper M, Molewijk B, Widdershoven G. Bioethics education in clinical settings: theory and practice of the dilemma method of moral case

deliberation. BMC Med Ethics. 2016


Svantesson M, Karlsson J, Boitte P, Schildman J, Dauwerse L, Widdershoven G, Pedersen R, Huisman M, Molewijk B. Outcomes of moral
case deliberation–the development of an evaluation instrument for clinical ethics support (the Euro-MCD). BMC Med Ethics. 2014 Apr

Svantesson M, Silén M, James I. It’s not all about moral reasoning: Understanding the content of Moral Case Deliberation. Nursing Ethics. 2018;25(2):212-229.